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Chalkboard Wedding Invitation Ideas

One of the most intriguing current wedding trends is the chalkboard. The written-upon, black slate look is appearing as signs, painted upon glassware or favors, and even incorporated into wedding stationery.

Which, of course, means more appearances in wedding invitation designs.
Chalkboard style wedding invitation ideas ... links to a lot of examples with mason jars, lights, frame-like, flowers, and rustic wood designs.

Here is what you can expect to find when ready to shop (you can see an example of each in the image, left to right, top to bottom) …

  • FLOWERS. Few things pair better with weddings than flowers. Naturally, blooms–both in color and white against black–can be found drawn upon chalkboard-look paper.  (Style shown is here.)
  • WOOD. Chalkboard paint applied to pieces of wood creates a unique rustic look. (Style shown is here.)
  • LIGHTS. The dark background is a natural setting to lighting. (Style shown is here.)
  • MASON JARS. Chalkboards are most often seen in country and rustic-look weddings. Pair them with mason jars, also a popular icon, and you have a winner. (Style shown is here.)
  • SIGNS. Finally, for the most literal interpretation, many invitations are made to look like chalkboard signs, complete with frames. (Style shown is here.)