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The Key to Avoiding A Wedding Vows Disaster (Like This One!)

It’s the day you have been waiting for your whole life and you want it to be perfect–a serene ceremony as you and your husband-to-be gaze into each others’ eyes and solemnly say your vows. And then he says “waffley” instead of “lawfully” and–well–it’s kind of downhill from there (if you haven’t already, watch the video at left and you’ll know what I mean).

While I’m sure they had a real laugh after all was said and done, she was probably thinking “OMG!!” at the time. As silly as it may sound (after all, you are simply repeating what the officiant says), you may want to practice ahead of time!

The common, well-known vows go something like this:

“I, ____, take you, ____, to be my lawfully wedded(husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

And if you want to have more unique or otherwise different vows? That works, too. You just need to know them far enough ahead to have time for practice!

If you prefer to choose or write your own vows, here are some books that can help.