What you ultimately pay from your budget shrinks proportionately when you find multiple ways to lower the cost of items or services—shopping for the best value plus getting an added discount, having others pitch in on the cost of a purchase, or finding ways to use less.
Get more than one discount on the same purchase. In couponing parlance, “stacking” is finding legal ways to do that. When you purchase an item, the ultimate score is (a) using a coupon on already-reduced items, (b) buying at a discounter/wholesaler, and (c) paying with a cash-back credit card. In that case, three parties are helping you get the best deal: the retailer (price reduction), manufacturer (coupon), and credit card company (cash). In each case you are receiving some money off the full retail price.
In the context of your wedding you’ll want to look for ways to accomplish the above as well as broaden the concept. Here are some umbrella tips.
• Look for ways multiple parties can contribute to the cost of the same item or service.
• Find ways items, people, or companies can serve double- or triple-duty in your wedding.
• Save by both spending less for and using less of an item.
Throughout the Dream Wedding on a Dime; 7 Secrets for the Budget-Savvy Bride ebook I have marked select tips with “(Secret: Stack savings).” These are ways to accomplish the above as well as broaden the concept. Go to MyOnlineWeddingHelp.com/ebook for more information about the ebook.